WeWork Kicks Off $20M Grant Program In DC

Co-working space company WeWork says it will kick off its “Creator Awards,” a yearlong, global competition for more than $20 million in grants, later this month.

WeWork, which currently operates eight co-working office spaces in D.C., says anyone in the D.C. area can apply or nominate others online.

Applicants don’t have to be WeWork members, and the grant competition is open to individuals, organizations, for-profit companies and nonprofits at any stage of business growth.

Finalists will present at one of WeWork’s “Creator Award” live events across the U.S., Europe and the Middle East.

The first event is March 28 in D.C. The Creator Awards Global Finals will be held in New York City in November.

WeWork now has 100,000 members for its 138 existing co-working office spaces. Its members more than doubled in 2016.

The grants will be divided into three categories.

Click here to read he rest of the story written by Jeff Clabaugh over at WTOP

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