Virginia Developer Gets Hearing With City Council For His $10 Billion ‘Baltimore Renaissance’ Idea

A little-known Northern Virginia developer has what he calls a $10 billion idea for revitalizing Baltimore by making a nonprofit he would establish the master planner for dozens of construction projects to be executed and paid for by other developers.

A self-described boutique developer, real estate investor and urban planner, Kahan S. Dhillon Jr. will get a chance to pitch his idea, dubbed The Baltimore Renaissance, next week before a City Council committee, but the number is so eye-popping and Dhillon is such an unknown quantity that the proposal has drawn skepticism from some local officials and real estate professionals who have made a living building in Baltimore.

“In Baltimore we are not lacking plans,” said Klaus Philipsen, a Baltimore architect. “We are lacking capital.”

William H. Cole, president and CEO of the Baltimore Development Corp., the city’s development agency, met with Dhillon about six months ago. While he said he appreciates Dhillon’s enthusiasm, he didn’t know what to make of his plan.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Sarah Gantz over at the Baltimore Sun

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