Van Hollen Raises $1.8M In 2016

Rep. Chris Van Hollen raised $1.8 million this year in his bid for Maryland’s open Senate seat — eclipsing his opponent’s haul — and will continue to enjoy a significant cash advantage in the final days of the campaign, reports made public Friday show.

Van Hollen, of Montgomery County, reported having just under $1.8 million on hand in early April. The Edwards campaign said this month it had raised $1.2 million during the same period but details of its fundraising — including its cash-on-hand figure — were not yet available on the Federal Election Commission’s website.

The report is the final complete picture of campaign finances voters will have access to until after the election.

Van Hollen has long had the upper hand in the fundraising race, but outside money has been a central component for months. Emily’s List invested millions in television ads on behalf of Edwards early on. More recently super PACs supporting both candidates have weighed in, including one that aired at an attack on Van Hollen that has drawn the ire of party leaders from the White House on down.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by John Fritze over at the Baltimore Sun

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