Two-Thirds In Poll Say Baltimore Is Not Maryland’s Economic Engine

The assertion that Baltimore is “the economic engine of Maryland” is familiar enough in state politics to have become a cliche. It’s a phrase used by Democrats and Republicans alike to describe the state’s largest city, especially when appealing for votes in Baltimore.

Nevertheless, two-thirds of Marylanders beg to differ.

According to a Goucher Poll released Wednesday, 67 percent of Marylanders do not agree with the characterization, compared with 25 percent who do. The numbers represent a shift from last year, when a third of respondents agreed and 58 percent rejected the description.

The poll surveyed 800 Maryland adults from Feb. 12 to 17 and has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Michael Dresser over at the Baltimore Sun

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