Trial Begins In Silver Spring Transit Center Lawsuit

Attorneys for Montgomery County and the contractors that built the Paul S. Sarbanes Silver Spring Transit Center delivered their opening arguments Wednesday in the lawsuit set to determine who was responsible for problems that resulted in years of construction delays and cost overruns at the bus depot.

The case is scheduled for a 30-day jury trial in Montgomery County Circuit Court in Rockville. The county is aiming to recover about $45 million in cost overruns and about $20 million in damages from project developers Parsons Brinckerhoff, Foulger-Pratt and other companies that handled engineering and design for the downtown transit center.

The county is alleging the contractors it hired to build the center were negligent and made misrepresentations in design documents that resulted in concrete cracking before the transit center opened. Fixing the problems forced the county to spend millions to strengthen the structure, according to an account of the opening arguments in The Daily Record.

Click here to rest the rest of the article written by Andrew Metcalf over at Bethesda Magazine

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