State Transportation Secretary Orders Suspension Of ‘Key’ Purple Line Work

Maryland is moving to suspend “key elements” of pre-construction work on the Purple Line as it faces mounting costs and an unclear timeline to contest a judge’s order to examine projected ridership on the proposed light-rail line.

State Transportation Secretary Pete Rahn ordered the state’s contractor on the project—Purple Line Transit Partners—to suspend the execution of new construction contracts and procurements for non-essential materials and equipment, and to freeze hiring of construction staff, according to a Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) news release Wednesday.

Rahn also asked the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) to freeze hiring of oversight staff for the project and suspend state funding for county design reviews. And he directed Purple Line officials to limit further costs on the project except for “those of agreed necessity.”

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Andrew met calf over at Bethesda Magazine

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