State Center Project Killed, Hogan And Franchot Want An Arena There Instead

A Maryland Board of Public Works discussion about the long-delayed State Center project Wednesday turned into a conversation about sports as Gov. Larry Hogan and Comptroller Peter Franchot signaled they are eyeing the possibility of a new sports arena at the site in Midtown Baltimore.

Hogan, Franchot and State Treasurer Nancy Kopp voted 3-0 to rescind prior approval and disapprove of leases related to the planned $1.5 billion mixed-use redevelopment of the office complex. Hogan said the leases would have a detrimental impact on the state’s debt affordability and would require approval from the General Assembly.

Before the vote, Hogan committed to having the Stadium Authority fast-track a feasibility study for a new arena similar to the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C. Hogan’s commitment came after Franchot proposed the idea and the two discussed for several minutes the possibility of Baltimore housing professional basketball and hockey franchises.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Holden Wilen over at Baltimore Business Journal

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