Sign-Off On Grant Agreement Will Assure Federal Funding For The Purple Line

Officials with the Federal Transit Administration are seeking Congressional sign-off on a funding agreement that will clear the way for major construction on Maryland’s Purple Line light-rail project to begin later this year.

Congress has 30 days to review what is known as a Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA), essentially the government’s guarantee to contribute to the project. Once that review process is complete, it will be sent back to the FTA administrator for her signature.

Those actions ensure that the $900 million the federal government pledged to the 16.2-mile light-rail line will come through. The federal funds will cover nearly half of the estimated $2 billion it will cost to build the line.

“The Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) for the Maryland National Capital Purple Line project has been sent to Congress for the required 30-day review period,” FTA said in a statement.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Lori Aratani and Katherine Shaver over at Washington Post

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