Saul Ewing In Merger Talks With Chicago Law Firm

Philadelphia-based Saul Ewing and Chicago-based Arnstein & Lehr are in talks to combine, both firms have confirmed.

The merger would create a firm of more than 400 lawyers spread across the Northeast, Midwest and Florida. Sources said a vote on the deal is possible as early as this week.

Arnstein & Lehr would be the second largest U.S. law firm to be acquired in 2017, according to Altman Weil MergerLine. The largest is 300-lawyer Chadbourne & Parke, which announced a merger with Norton Rose Fulbright in February.

The firms have no overlap in geographic footprint. Philadelphia-based Saul Ewing is concentrated in the Northeast, with all of its offices located between Washington, D.C., and Boston. Its westernmost office is in Pittsburgh. By adding Arnstein & Lehr’s approximately 150 lawyers, Saul Ewing would gain significant presence in both Chicago and Florida.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Lizzy Mclellan And Roy Strom over at

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