Rockville Ranks First On List Of Best Cities For Families

The real estate website ranked the City of Rockville as the best city in America for families in a new study released this month.

The website credited Montgomery County Public Schools as the “major reason” the city came in first on the list—noting that the school system is often considered one the best in the country in rankings compiled by The Washington Post and U.S. News & World Report.

The study used publicly available data such as a city’s crime rate, high school graduation rate, walkability, average commute time, number of libraries and parks, and percentage of school-age children and families living in poverty to determine the ranking.

It favored cities with high-quality schools, a low crime rate and a vibrant economy. Places with short commute times and large populations of children ranked higher as well.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Bethesda Beat Staff over at Bethesda Magazine

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