Purple Line Train Tests Will Begin In Maryland In 2020 Or After, Contractor Says

Some of the businesses along Maryland’s Purple Line will get help to survive the massive light-rail construction project that they fear will imperil their livelihoods as customers search for parking and navigate around bulldozers and orange barrels.

The Prince George’s County Council on Thursday allotted $200,000 to businesses along the Purple Line corridor, and the Montgomery County Council earmarked $300,000 for businesses along the route in the Long Branch area of Silver Spring.

The funding will be used for marketing campaigns, new signs directing customers to temporary parking, and technical help for businesses that want to expand their social media presence, officials in both counties said.

“At the end of the day, we want a diverse set of businesses along the corridor,” said Prince George’s Council Chair Dannielle M. Glaros (D), whose district includes much of the Purple Line alignment through the Riverdale area. “We want our Mom and Pop businesses to not only survive construction but to thrive when the Purple Line opens.”

Tina Benjamin, manager of special projects for Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett (D), said the $300,000 has been in the county’s capital budget for five or so years for redevelopment in Long Branch. She said the money was never spent, so the county “reprogrammed” the funding.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Katherine Shaver over at the Washington Post

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