Prince George’s Weighs Big Changes To Spur More Residential Development

Prince George’s County needs to build many more homes over the next decade and embrace a new set of strategies to ensure the development of a wide range of housing types, according to a new report prepared for county officials.

The document, titled “Housing Opportunity for All,” is designed as an opportunity for the county to chart out a comprehensive housing strategy for the coming years, particularly as the entire D.C. region grows and rent prices creep ever higher.

Chiefly, its authors argue that Prince George’s needs to reduce regulatory barriers constraining new development, while also pouring millions of dollars into some county programs aimed at revitalizing abandoned properties and spurring the construction of affordable homes.

The County Council, which commissioned the report last summer, will now have the opportunity to weigh just how many of the document’s recommendations it will put into action. A group of researchers, nonprofits, housing advocates and others around the county have been working with staff to draft the report over the past few months, and they briefed the council on its key conclusions last week.

“I’m excited to move forward, even if we’re only doing baby steps,” said Council Chair Todd Turner, D-District 4, during the March 19 hearing.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Alex Koma over at the Washington Business Journal

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