Prince George’s County Allocates Funds For Affordable Housing Initiatives, Purple Line

Several programs approved in the Prince George’s County’s fiscal 2018 budget and College Park-specific initiatives are working to increase access to quality housing in College Park.

The $3.8 billion county budget provides $5.1 million to the county’s Housing Investment Trust Fund — the first time money has been added to the fund since it was passed in 2012 by the County Council.

The Housing Investment Trust Fund provides financial support for the development and purchasing of affordable housing within the county.

Dannielle Glaros, Prince George’s County Council vice-chair, said fund will likely initially focus on areas with more urgent housing needs than College Park, but in the future could support affordable housing here.

“It is a commitment to make sure that we are improving our housing for all people who live in Prince George’s County and continue to make sure that all people can find a home in Prince George’s County at all income levels,” Glaros said.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Jack Roscoe over at the Diamondback

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