Pr. George’s Only Medical Marijuana Facility Raises $8 Million For Buildout

Medical marijuana company Holistic Industries LLC has raised more than $8 million to complete building out its cultivation and processing facility in Capitol Heights, the company said Friday.

Holistic Industries, one of 15 companies in Maryland and the only one in Prince George’s to be provisionally licensed to cultivate medical marijuana, raised the funds through private convertible debt offerings. The money will also support the purchase state-of-the-art fixtures and equipment.

The company expects to have medicinal cannabis available in the fall. The business is led by CEO Josh Genderson, who is the owner of Schneider’s of Capitol Hill Fine Wines and Spirits, as well as general manager of two D.C.-based medical marijuana grower-processor businesses, Holistic Remedies and Organic Wellness.

Holistic Industries plans to manufacture medicinal products designed specifically for children suffering from the most severe forms of epilepsy and associated symptoms.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Tina Reed over at Washington Business Journal

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