PGC Executive Alsobrooks Lays Out Markers For The Rest Of Her Term

Prince George’s County Executive Angela D. Alsobrooks (D) plans to outline her priorities for her next few years in office during a public meeting Wednesday evening in Greenbelt.

Billed a “community conversation” – the first of two Alsobrooks has scheduled over the next two weeks – the event will be an opportunity for the new county executive and her senior team to discuss their upcoming plans and hear what residents expect from their local government.

Just as important, in the view of Alsobrooks’ top aides, who briefed reporters on her plans earlier in the week, Alsobrooks will lay out ways for constituents to measure whether the county is meeting its goals.

“The county executive made it clear that her government was going to be as open and transparent as we can be,” said David A. Sloan, director of the county government’s Division of Policy, Planning and Public Affairs.

Broadly speaking, Alsobrooks’ priorities are the bread-and-butter issues that most local leaders emphasize: education, youth development, quality of life, economic development, healthy communities, and public safety.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Josh Kurtz over at Maryland Matters

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