PG County Adds $39.1 Million For Schools In New Budget

Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker has released the proposed fiscal 2018 budget, and it boosts the Board of Education by an extra $39.1 million compared to last year.

Overall, the budget includes $1.96 billion in funding, a 2 percent increase over the fiscal 2017 budget. Board funding represents 60.8 percent of the General Fund spending in the fiscal 2018 budget, according to a statement from the county.

“The proposed budget supports the system by focusing on the strategic focus areas of academic excellence, a high performing workforce, safe and supportive environments, family and community engagement and organizational effectiveness,” the statement reads. “The budget funds targeted wrap around services to increase graduation rates and decrease dropout rates at four challenged high schools – Bladensburg, Central, High Point and Northwestern. Additional resources at these schools will support their progress and help lift the entire system.

“Furthermore, the increased funding to the Board of Education supports expansion of the Pathways in Technology high school program, IB/PSAT program exam fees, child protective services background checks and compensation adjustments for the system’s employees.”

The budget also proposes $100.6 million in funding for school construction projects like the completion of the Fairmont Heights High School replacement project, and planning for the renovation or replacement of William Wirt Middle School, the International School at Langley Park, Suitland High School, and 38 other projects.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Dan Taylor over at Patch

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