Opponents Of A Prince George’s Co. Tax Increase Want More Support For Lawsuit

A court case opposing higher taxes in Prince George’s County is moving forward, and the men filing the lawsuit want public awareness and support for their cause.

Fred Price Jr. and James K. Wass believe the 4 cent increase in the county’s real estate tax rate approved in 2015 violated the county charter’s Tax Reform Initiative by Marylanders, or TRIM, because it happened without voter approval. Price had filed the lawsuit against Prince George’s County with fellow Republican Party Central Committee member Wass.

The lawsuit appeals to have the 2015 tax increase placed on the 2018 ballot as a referendum.

“And, hopefully, reversed,” Price said. “It ought to be rolled back and properly put before the voters.”

Although the suit was initially filed in September 2016, it was amended earlier this year and rulings on various motions have occurred in recent weeks.

“Because the court has rejected all of the motions to dismiss filed by the county, that tells me that we have a legitimate case on hand,” said Tamara Davis Brown of Prince George’s Tax Watch.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Kristi King over at WTOP

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