One Of These Four Powerful Developers Could Build A New Home For Labor Department

Some of D.C.’s biggest names in commercial real estate are vying to build a new headquarters for the Department of Labor at one of three potential sites in the District — part of the agency’s potential move from its longtime home near the U.S. Capitol.

Affiliates of Douglas Development Corp., Redbrick LMD, the Ruben Cos. and Vornado Realty Trust each submitted properties to be considered for a new Labor Department headquarters of up to 1.4 million square feet, according to sources and land records. The prospect would be a significant economic development win wherever it lands and would also free up prime real estate at 200 Constitution Ave. NW for other uses.

The General Services Administration said Nov. 29 it short-listed three sites as contenders for the requirement, NoMa, the Capitol Riverfront and Poplar Point, though its announcement had only vaguely described the locations and didn’t name names.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Daniel J. Sernovitz over at Washington Business Journal

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