Northrop Grumman Loan In Jeopardy As Top Democrats Battle Hogan

General Assembly leaders have no plans to schedule a vote on a $20 million loan the state promised Northrop Grumman, jeopardizing a plan to encourage the company to keep thousands of jobs in Maryland.

The money is part of a controversial $37.5 million package marketed by the Hogan administration as a way to ensure the aerospace giant keeps jobs here and remains competitive with other defense contractors. Northrop would not need to repay the $20 million loan as long as it keeps 10,000 employees in the state and meets other goals.

The legislature approved the loan as part of the state budget in April, but it’s now mired in a fiscal fight between Republican Gov. Larry Hogan and top Democrats.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Erin Cox over at Baltimore Sun

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