New Purple Line Concrete Problems Include Bethesda Shaft

Concrete problems, communications concerns, and traffic or safety changes without permission are among problems raised in Purple Line oversight documents obtained by WTOP through a public records request.

The problems, identified by the state for Purple Line Transit Partners, include multiple issues with concrete in the new Bethesda Metro entrance shaft, which will connect Wisconsin Avenue to the Purple Line platform and Metro platform using a deep elevator bank. The problems are so
significant that the concrete in place this summer was “considered defective” by the state.

Any plans for fixes need to be approved by both the state and Metro.

Despite the issues and previous delays due to lawsuits, Maryland plans to open a portion of the line (likely near the New Carrollton end) by the end of 2022 and the rest of the Purple Line — a 16-mile, 21-stop light-rail line connecting New Carrollton, College Park, Silver Spring and Bethesda — sometime in 2023.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Max Smith over at WTOP

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