Neighborhood Tensions Arise As Residents Learn Of Plans For Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

John Seifert was having trouble renting out his shuttered flower shop in Baltimore County. Finally, a real estate agent found a potential tenant: a medical marijuana dispensary.

Seifert signed a five-year lease with the firm, which wants to sell cannabis tinctures, oils and other products to patients from the Nottingham property. The 69-year-old, who lives three doors away, thought the business would be a good fit.

Some neighbors disagree. They worry a dispensary could attract crime, and say it doesn’t belong near homes, or a potential school site down the road.This month, their county councilman introduced legislation that would change local zoning rules for marijuana dispensaries — potentially blocking Seifert’s tenant from opening on his property.

Councilman David Marks says he backs medical cannabis, but wants the dispensaries limited to commercial areas.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by over Alison Knezevich at the Baltimore Sun

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