Morhaim Removed From Committee Following Questions About Ties To Medical Marijuana Company

House Speaker Michael E. Busch removed Del. Dan K. Morhaim, the longest serving physician in the General Assembly, from a key health policy committee post that Morhaim held for 14 years.

The shift, which costs Morhaim a subcommittee leadership post, follows scrutiny over Morhaim’s ties to a medical marijuana company and questions over whether he properly disclosed his business interests while advocating for medical marijuana policies.

Morhaim, a Baltimore County Democrat, has said he broke no rules and promised to cooperate with the Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. The ethics committee considered in October whether to launch a formal, confidential probe into Morhaim’s conduct. No further action has been taken.

Morhaim will now sit on the House Judiciary Committee, which oversees legal and criminal issues.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Erin Cox over at the Baltimore Sun

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