Montgomery Democrats Tussle To Fill Open General Assembly Seats

It’s a well-caffeinated group of six candidates seeking appointment to the vacant Maryland House of Delegates seat from District 20 (Silver Spring-Takoma Park).

Each is looking to claim a majority of the 28-member Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee, scheduled to vote Jan. 9 on a replacement for former delegate William C. Smith Jr. He was named by the panel last month to fill the state Senate seat held by Jamie B. Raskin, elected to Congress in November.

Aspirants are making their pitches to this mini-electorate mostly one-on-one, often over coffee in shops or in private meetings.

“Government by Starbucks,” said Darian Unger, a Howard University School of Business professor and Montgomery County firefighter who has caucused with committee members in outlets from Olney to Georgetown.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Bill Turque over at the Washington Post

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