Md. Petition Would Limit Early Endorsements In Democratic Gubernatorial Primary

A state lawmaker from Montgomery County is urging his fellow Democrats not to endorse any 2018 gubernatorial candidates until next winter, hoping to avoid perceptions of an anointed favorite in what is expected to be a crowded primary.

But some Democrats are questioning that strategy, saying the best hope of unseating popular Gov. Larry Hogan (R) is to rally around a challenger early in the process.

“If you wait for March, it’s too late,” said Del. Jimmy Tarlau (D-Prince George’s), a progressive who likes prospective candidate Ben Jealous’s outspoken support for a $15 minimum wage, criminal justice reforms and a progressive tax system. “If I think there’s someone who will lead Maryland in a good direction, I plan to support that person.”

The campaign launched this month by Del. David Moon (D-Montgomery) reflects an ongoing debate among Democrats about whether their party is controlled by elites. Some Democrats say the Democratic National Committee lost grass-roots support in 2016 by favoring former secretary of state Hillary Clinton over rivals such as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). And then-Rep. Donna F. Edwards (D) accused party leaders that year of never giving her a fair hearing before backing her House colleague Chris Van Hollen in the Democratic Senate primary.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Josh Hicks over at the Washington Post

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