Maryland Unemployment Claims Expected To Continue To Soar

After a record-setting number of unemployment claims last week, Maryland is poised for another dramatic increase when the latest numbers are issued on Thursday.

The federal government releases weekly reports of unemployment claims at 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays. Last week, Maryland and the nation saw a dramatic and devastating rise in unemployment attributable to the coronavirus pandemic.

Of the more than 3 million Americans who sought unemployment assistance from March 15 to 21, Maryland’s total was nearly 42,000 claims — a number that will be “blown out of the water” in this next round of reporting, according to Tiffany Robinson, the state’s labor secretary.

“We have experienced an unprecedented surge in claims traffic,” Robinson said Wednesday on a conference call with state lawmakers who are serving on a coronavirus work group.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Pamela Wood over at The Baltimore Sun

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