Maryland Officials Warn Of Medical Cannabis Scammers

Maryland patients are several months away from being able to legally obtain medical cannabis to treat chronic conditions. But scammers are already trying to make a buck off of patients desperate for the relief they seek from the drug, according to regulators and industry officials.

There are reports that companies are selling “marijuana cards” or offering exams to “preapprove” patients for medical cannabis.

Neither is a legitimate practice, officials say.

“They are telling patients that they have the ability to preapprove them for the medical cannabis program, and that is a lie,” said Darrell Carrington, executive director of the Maryland Cannabis Industry Association. “There is no such thing as preapproval.”

The Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission, which regulates the industry, has issued preliminary licenses for companies to grow, process and dispense cannabis in the state. But none of the businesses have received final licenses or begun operation. No physicians have the ability to issue certifications for legal medical cannabis.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Pamela Wood over at the Washington Post

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