Maryland Legislature Advancing $700 Million Package Of Taxes To Pay For Schools

Democrats who control the Maryland General Assembly are advancing a roughly $700 million tax package, a multipart plan that includes an array of new taxes on dog grooming, certain corporations, vaping products and streaming services such as Netflix.

The package is on track for approval in the House of Delegates by the end of the week, and leading Democrats have pitched it as a way to pay for a sweeping public education overhaul that is also expected to be passed in the coming days.

These tax proposals have drawn far less public notice — or outrage — than a now-scuttled $2.9 billion plan to expand the state’s sales tax to include services. Gov. Larry Hogan (R) rallied opposition to the plan to tax services, but the governor has not similarly lobbied against this package.

Proponents say the measures target primarily wealthy residents and multistate corporations.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Erin Cox over at The Washington Post

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