Maryland Lawmakers Propose Financial Support For Businesses Hurt By Purple Line Construction

The Purple Line promises an economic jolt for businesses that span its route from Bethesda to New Carrollton, but some business owners say they aren’t sure if the light at the end of the tunnel is a prosperous future or an oncoming train, prompting Maryland legislators to look into providing financial support.

Everyone expected the construction of the Purple Line would lead to some disruptions for the streets and businesses near its path, but the duration of that disruption is far longer than some businesses expected.

Now they’re worried they won’t survive.

It’s led Maryland Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins to push a bill that would set up a pool of $5 million in grant money that affected businesses can show how they’ve been hurt by the construction happening around them.

The grant money would be available starting in October through 2024, or whenever the money runs out, which ever happens first. It would be available for businesses that employ 14 people or less, though that number could change as the bill moves through Annapolis.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by John Domen over at WTOP

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