Maryland Income Tax Relief Will Wait Until At Least Next Year

Marylanders hoping for an income tax break will have to wait until at least next year after Gov. Larry Hogan closed the door on holding a special session of the General Assembly.

Hogan said Tuesday he hopes to work with lawmakers on a tax cut package next year. An attempt to enact the first major income tax cut in more than two decades failed in April when negotiations between the Senate and House of Delegates fell apart on the final day of the annual 90-day session.

Hogan, a Republican, made his remarks as he prepared to sign nearly 200 bills into law while flanked by Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael E. Busch, both Democrats.

“I know that President Miller wants to provide across-the-board income tax cuts, and provide help for small businesses. I know that Speaker Busch wants to give tax relief to struggling low-income families,” Hogan said. “Well, I agree with both of them. So I say: Next year, guys, let’s get them all done.”

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Pamela Wood over at Baltimore Sun

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