Maryland Highway Agency Didn’t Properly Monitor Speed Cameras, Snow Removal Contracts, Audit Finds

The Maryland State Highway Administration failed to properly oversee the company that operates speed cameras in construction zones, one of eight problems with the agency’s fiscal management, an audit found.

The agency, which is responsible for maintaining all non-toll, numbered roads in Maryland, also failed to ensure that payments to snow- and ice-removal contractors were proper, and did not do enough to prevent snowplows, tires and other equipment from being stolen from district offices, according to the audit.

Additionally, the SHA failed to properly protect the security of its computers and didn’t ensure that the state was reimbursed for damage done to bridges, traffic signals and other state property in traffic crashes, the audit said.

The review was part of a regular “fiscal compliance audit” that the state’s Office of Legislative Audits is required to do of all state agencies at least every four years. The office is part of the Department of Legislative Services, which provides staff support for the General Assembly.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Katherine Shaver over at the Washington Post

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