Maryland Gov. Hogan’s Soaring Popularity Not Helping Down-Ballot Republicans

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has made it clear he will not support the man at the top of the Republican ticket for president, and it has done little to hurt his popularity or reputation in the state.

In fact, it may have helped.

The latest Washington Post-University of Maryland poll finds that Hogan now has a 71 percent approval rating, an improvement over the 66 percent approval rating he received in April’s poll.

That support is widespread, with the least support coming from liberals. Still, 59 percent of liberals say they approve of the Republican’s work.

“He’s a very moderate Republican, which is very hard to find these days,” University of Maryland political science professor Stella Rouse told WTOP. “And the fact that he has come out so strongly in saying that he is not going to vote or support Donald Trump certainly helps him in a state like Maryland.”

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Dennis Foley over at WTOP

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