Man Pleads Guilty To Bribing Former Maryland Legislator Cheryl Glenn

A Baltimore businessman bribed then-Maryland state Del. Cheryl D. Glenn with payments totaling $42,500 on behalf of two companies trying to get licensed in the medical marijuana industry, as well as for legislation that would help his computer training business, he admitted in federal court Monday.

Lance A. Lucas, 44, pleaded guilty to two counts of bribery-related charges and is scheduled to be sentenced June 10 in U.S. District Court in Baltimore.

During the FBI’s investigation, Lucas was recorded reassuring Glenn (D-Baltimore City) when she told him she was nervous, according to court records.

“I’m from Baltimore for real, for real Baltimore,” he said, according to his plea agreement. “This is the least illegal thing that I’ve ever done. This is like patty-cake compared to the [s—] in Baltimore City.”

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Steve Thompson over at The Washington Post

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