Little Debate As Democratic Senate Moves Hogan Budget

The Democratic-led Senate advanced Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s proposed spending plan Wednesday with little floor debate, a sign of the budget’s expected easy passage in the chamber on Friday.

The $42.3 billion budget, generally a source of contention between the two parties over spending goals, has experienced relatively smooth sailing after Mr. Hogan presented a supplemental budget that provides more funds for Democratic priorities, such as Baltimore public schools. Once passed, the budget will head to the House of Delegates for approval.

The Senate Budget & Taxation Committee unanimously approved the budget last week, and only two amendments were proposed on the Senate floor Wednesday morning. Both, introduced by Republicans, were defeated.

Sen. Justin D. Ready, Carroll Republican, offered an amendment to restore a Hogan provision in the original budget to give $53.5 million to local governments for highway funding. The committee instead put that money into state projects.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Anjali Shastry over at The Washington Times

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