Legislative Black Caucus: Hogan Should Intervene In Medical Cannabis Licenses

The head of the Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland is asking the governor to intervene in the awarding of medical cannabis licenses because the selected companies lack diversity, denying minorities the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an emerging industry.

“I am completely disappointed with the medical marijuana commission and the decision that they have made in terms of awarding licenses,” said Del. Cheryl D. Glenn, chairwoman of the black caucus. “Clearly, there was no effort at all to factor in minority participation and make sure that it’s inclusive of everybody in the state of Maryland.”

Members of the black caucus and others have raised concerns that the 15 preliminary licenses for growing medical cannabis and the 15 licenses for processing the drug, which were awarded this month, mostly went to companies led by white men. Lawmakers and some losing applicants are mulling legal action.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Pamela Wood over at Baltimore Sun

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