Kamenetz Aims To Make Procurement Easier For Minority, Women-Owned Businesses

Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz signed an executive order Thursday aimed at improving the county’s procurement process and making it easier for women- and minority-owned businesses to get government contracts.

Kamenetz’s “Open for Business Initiative” shortens the application process and creates a new purchasing program for small businesses. The move comes as comes as the two-term county executive eyes a run for the Democratic nomination for governor in next year’s election.

The order will increase the competitiveness of Baltimore County’s procurement process and and increase opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses, Kamenetz said.

“It’s the right thing to do and it makes the most fiscal sense for the county,” Kamenetz said,

The executive order includes streamlining the pre-qualification process, shortening the amount of time it takes to approve applications from 90 days to 30 days. The purchasing program that establishes a tier-based system allowing smaller firms to bid as prime contractors.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Holden Wilen over at the Baltimore Business Journal

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