Jack Evans Is Running For The D.C. Council Seat He Just Resigned Over Ethics Violations

Jack Evans, who stepped down from the D.C. Council Jan. 17 amid an ethics scandal that was about to lead to his expulsion, will make a run for his old seat.

Evans, a Democrat, on Monday filed with the D.C. Board of Elections to run in both the general election, whose primary is June 2, and a special election to fill his vacated Ward 2 seat, which is scheduled for June 16, according to a Washington Post report.

The move prompted swift backlash from several of Evans’ former colleagues, including some who posted on Twitter. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson did not tweet, but he told The Washington Post on Monday that Evans running again “would not serve the Council well.”

Mayor Muriel Bowser told the Post that she would not get involved, but added, “it’s not a political calculation that I would have made.”

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Rebecca Cooper over at the Washington Business Journal

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