Howard University To Offer Old Dorms And Parking Lots To The Development Community

Howard University is seeking to offload more than a half-dozen university properties that officials deem would be better served by mixed-use redevelopment.

The seven properties range from a surface lot next to The JBG Cos.’s Atlantic Plumbing project to aging dorms to a vacant apartment house — all properties that are “no longer needed by the university,” according to an application filed with the D.C. Zoning Commission. Howard has held several community meetings and has a zoning commission hearing on the books for May. Property can only be removed from the campus plan by zoning commission order.

“That area along Georgia Avenue is hot right now,” said Howard’s land use attorney, Cynthia Giordano of Saul Ewing LLP. “There is an opportunity to monetize the properties, which would be great for Howard. We just have to extract the properties from the campus plan for that to happen.”

Giordano said the university is not looking to sell the properties; rather, it is interested in long-term leases and development partnerships that could make the properties viable for the entire community.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Karen Goff over at the Washington Business Journal

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