Hogan Still Riding High In Latest Poll, State Headed In Right Direction

The fourth statewide poll in five months shows Gov. Larry Hogan with high approval ratings — 63% of Marylanders approve of the job he is doing.

The new Goucher College poll also shows 61% of Marylanders feel the state is heading in the right direction, while 24% thinks the state is headed down the wrong track.

Three other public polls taken since October by the Washington Post, the Baltimore Sun and Gonzales Research have all shown Hogan’s approval at 61% or higher.

But the telephone survey taken last week also shows that there is still a partisan divide on many issues that the Republican governor must navigate to maintain his popularity.

Hogan’s approval is highest among Republicans (86%) and independents (69%), but even half of Democrats (50%) approve of the job he is doing.

Hogan’s personal favorability rating is slightly lower: 52% have a favorable opinion of him, 19% have an unfavorable opinion, and 29% don’t know. He runs about even with Democrats, 37% favorable to 32% unfavorable.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Len Lazarick over at the Maryland Reporter

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