Hogan: Stay-At-Home Order Could Be Lifted Next Week

Maryland’s stay-at-home order could be lifted as early as next week, Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday while also announcing an immediate easing of restrictions on some low-risk activities and the closure of schools for the remainder of the school year.

Hospital admissions and intensive care unit admissions in Maryland have been trending down for the last week, Hogan said, and if those trends continue into next week, the state could be ready to reopen under stage one of Hogan’s Covid-19 recovery plan. Stage one of the plan would allow for some small businesses to reopen, as well as for outdoor religious meetings and other gatherings, albeit with limited attendance.

But given the downward trend, Hogan also announced an easing of two restrictions. Hospitals and other health care providers can resume elective procedures immediately, under new guidelines being issued by the Maryland Department of Health. In addition, limitations on some outdoor activities will be lifted at 7 a.m. Thursday.

Those outdoor activities include golf, tennis, boating, fishing and camping. Beaches and playgrounds at state parks can also reopen and local governments can take similar actions at their discretion.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Jessica Iannetta over at the Baltimore Business Journal

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