Hogan Rides High In New Maryland Poll

Gov. Larry Hogan continues to soar in a new poll of Maryland voters released Tuesday, while President Donald Trump’s number remain in the dumps.

According to Annapolis-based Opinion Works, a survey taken in late October and early this month shows that 67 percent of Maryland voters approved of the Republican governor’s performance in office, while only 22 percent disapprove. Meanwhile, 63 percent disapprove of the job Trump is doing, with more than half saying they disapprove strongly. Only 34 percent approve.

Hogan’s good news was tempered somewhat as Marylanders signaled they are inclined to elect Democrats to the General Assembly who could keep him in check if he wins re-election. By a margin of 42 percent to 23 percent, voters said they are more likely to vote for Democrats as legislators than Republicans.

Gaining enough seats in the Senate and House of Delegates to break the current Democratic supermajorities is a much-desired goal of Hogan and the Maryland Republican Party.

While Hogan’s approval numbers are sky-high, he falls short of a majority who say they will vote for him for re-election. Voters said they favor Hogan over a generic Democratic challenge by 43 percent to 28 percent margin.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Michael Dresser over at the Baltimore Sun

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