Hogan: Rawlings-Blake Should Say ‘Thank You’ For Baltimore Bills

After leading Maryland Democrats criticized Republican Gov. Larry Hogan in Annapolis Monday morning, the governor shot back that they should be grateful he’s sending their jurisdictions so much money.

“The two biggest winners in the budget are Baltimore City and Prince George’s County,” Hogan told reporters outside the State House. “I’d prefer they just say, ‘thank you.'”

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake joined leaders from the state’s largest counties – all led by Democrats – in criticizing this year’s legislative session as one of the most partisan in memory.

Rawlings-Blake said the city is getting a significant aid package to improve economic opportunities due to the hard work of lawmakers who “get it.”

“They have been responsive to the needs of the city,” Rawlings-Blake said, while Hogan has been “very partisan” in his lack of support for the city.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Erin Cox over at the Baltimore Sun

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