Hogan Plans To Continue Summoning School Leaders For ‘Begathon’

Defying the General Assembly, Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday that he will continue to require local school superintendents to take part in the Annapolis ritual known as the “Begathon.”

The annual event compels the leaders of Maryland’s 24 local school districts to appear before the Board of Public Works to justify the money they are seeking from the state. The legislature sought last year to change the process, which has long been the subject of complaints.

Hogan strongly objected. With the support of Democratic Comptroller Peter Franchot, but over the objections of Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp, he directed the board’s secretary to summon the leaders of Maryland’s school districts to Annapolis for the body’s Jan. 25 meeting.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Michael Dresser over at Baltimore Sun

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