Hogan Plans New Push For Redistricting Reform

Gov. Larry Hogan plans another push for creating an independent commission to draw congressional and legislative district lines and stop the partisan gerrymandering that has marked the process in recent decades.

“I know the governor is still committed to moving forward,” Hogan legislative officer Matthew Palmer told what was supposed to be the final meeting of the governor’s Redistricting Reform Commission on Friday.

Despite the legislature’s failure to even take committee votes on the plan earlier this year, “talking about this issue is a priority for us,” Palmer said. “This is an issue that is top of mind for [the governor].”

The commission Hogan created last year doesn’t want to drop the fight either. The commission was set to expire Nov. 8, but commission members asked Palmer to request Hogan to extend their charge at least through the 2017 session of the General Assembly that ends in April.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Len Lazarick over at the Maryland Reporter

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