Hogan: Md. Will Push To ‘Disband’ Metro Board If Evans Blocks Purple Line Transfer

A very public feud between Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan and the head of the Metro board escalated Wednesday as Hogan said he may lobby for the board to be disbanded.

Hogan was responding to Jack Evans, the board chairman, who has threatened to use his authority to halt a land transfer related to the Purple Line light rail project unless Maryland agrees to a plan he favors to restructure the board.

“The chairman is attempting to practice extortion against the state of Maryland,” said Hogan. “He’s threatened to hold up the Purple Line if we don’t go along with his demands.”

As part of Purple Line construction, Maryland needs the land rights at Metro’s Silver Spring, College Park and New Carrollton stations.

Metro board members are expected to consider the land deal during a meeting Thursday.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Nick Iannelli over at WTOP

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