Hogan Has More Campaign Cash Than All Seven Dems Combined

Gov. Larry Hogan (R) enters the election year with more cash on hand than all seven of his Democratic challengers collectively.

Campaign finance statements covering the period from mid-January 2017 through mid-January of this year showed Hogan and his lieutenant governor, Boyd K. Rutherford, with a robust $9,038,113 in their campaign accounts combined. Hogan’s alone had more than $8 million.

The seven Democrats – Prince George’s County Executive Rushern L. Baker III, former NAACP president Ben Jealous, Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz, state Sen. Richard S. Madaleno, tech entrepreneur Alec Ross, Baltimore attorney Jim Shea and former Obama administration official Krishanti Vignarajah – together had upwards of $5.7 million in the bank, according to their campaign reports, which were filed late Wednesday and early Thursday.

Here are the activity summaries for the campaigns for the past year:

Hogan/Rutherford: Raised $5,436,448 Spent $1,480,887 Cash $9,038,113

Baker: Raised $1,053,796 Spent $608,000 Cash $696,000

Jealous and running mate Susan Turnbull combined: Raised $1,506,852 Spent $863,804 Cash $643,246

Kamenetz: Raised $1,066,700 Spent $684,000 Cash $2,002,000

Madaleno: Raised $440,000 Spent $319,000 Cash $194,000

Ross: Raised $1,057,246 Spent $612,000 Cash $445,000

Shea: Raised $2,018,233 Spent $669,824 Cash $1,348,408

Vignarajah: Raised $431,172 Spent $25,976 Cash $405,105

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Josh Kurtz over at Maryland Matters

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