Hogan Declines Invitation From Md. Democrats To Discuss Northrop Grant

Democrats in Maryland’s General Assembly say they will vote on a $20 million grant for Northrop Grumman Corp. provided Republican Gov. Larry Hogan testifies on why we wants it, according to reports.

Hogan quickly declined the offer Tuesday, with a spokesman telling The Washington Post the governor has “no interest in attending a meeting to discuss an issue that was unanimously approved by both the Senate and the House six months ago.”

The latest conflict casts the grant for the Falls Church-based aerospace giant, which employees thousands in Maryland, into even greater jeopardy.

In April, the Maryland legislature approved the grant and $37.5 million in tax credits for Northrop laid out by Hogan’s administration. However, the Legislative Policy Committee has yet to sign off on the agreement.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Drew Hansen over at Washington Business Journal

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