Hogan Announces Plan To Study Building Third Bay Bridge Span

Gov. Larry Hogan said Tuesday that the state will spend $5 million and up to four years studying where to put — and how to pay for — a possible third span across the Chesapeake Bay.

The study is the first in a multi-stage process to seek federal funding. It would likely be many years before any construction could begin, if ever.

The congested and aging Bay Bridge has vexed transportation planners for decades. Studies show that the bridge, if properly maintained, should remain structurally sound until 2065. But increased traffic is projected to cause daily 13-mile backups by 2040 unless a new span is built. A new span could cost up to $6.85 billion, and would require other road network upgrades.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Erin Cox over at Baltimore Sun

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