Hogan Announces $200M Environmental Agreement With Exelon

Gov. Larry Hogan on Tuesday announced an agreement between the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and Exelon Generation Co. LLC that requires Exelon to invest more than $200 million in environmental projects and operational enhancements to improve water quality in the Lower Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay.

The agreement settles Exelon’s legal challenges to the water quality certification issued in 2018 by Maryland under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, removing the prospect of years of costly litigation and delay and instead, setting the stage for immediate and lasting water quality benefits.

“Our administration has committed an historic $5 billion toward wide-ranging bay initiatives and taken bold and aggressive steps to address the challenges posed by pollution, sediment, and debris at the Conowingo Dam,” Hogan said in a news release. “This settlement is a significant and positive step in the right direction, and with the cooperation of Exelon and upstream states, we can continue making progress in our efforts to preserve and protect this great national treasure.”

“Exelon Generation and the state of Maryland share a commitment to restoring and sustaining the health of the Chesapeake Bay, which has been strengthened by this agreement,” said Chris Crane, president and CEO of Exelon.

Under the agreement, Exelon will make a total investment of more than $200 million, including nearly $107 million in cash payments to support these environmental initiatives:

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Blair Young over at WBAL

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