Hogan And Maryland Lawmakers Might Not Get Along, But They’re Working

The list of partisan slights and political spats in Annapolis has been endless. Suggestions of racism. Sarcastic Twitter hashtags. Public shamings on the floor of the House and Senate. And one inflammatory news conference after another to demand action.

Yet with three weeks remaining in the General Assembly’s annual session, the majority of Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s agenda is winning approval from the Democratic-dominated legislature.

“It’s not about him — as controversial as he can be,” said Sen. Joan Carter Conway, a Baltimore Democrat who chairs the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee. “It’s about our constituency.”

Of the 17 bills introduced by Hogan, lawmakers have advanced or passed seven. And bills that capture the concept behind another three are progressing under the names of other authors.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Amanda Yeager over at The Baltimore Sun

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