Here Are The Top Ten Earning Lobbyists In Maryland For The 2016 Legislative Session

The return of divided government to Maryland has brought about much change in Annapolis. But one thing that has remained the same since the election of Republican Gov. Larry Hogan is Gerard E. Evans’s upper hand in state lobbying.

Evans, a longtime fixture in Annapolis, was the top earner among Maryland lobbyists during the recent legislative session, according to reports filed with the state ethics commission.

He reported billing his cadre of clients nearly $2 million between November and April, higher than any other lobbyist registered in Maryland, and about $168,000 more than last year, when he was also the top earner. Bruce Bereano came in second both last year and this year, with reported billings of $1.4 million in the recently released report.

The top 10 highest-earning lobbyists are:

1. Gerard Evans $1,968,400.

2. Bruce Bereano $1,389,363.71

3. Timothy Perry $1,118,359.

4. Joel Rozner $1,011,300.

5. Lisa Harris Jones $942,036.

6. Michael Johansen $924,139.

7. Robert Garagiola $917,766.48

8. Frank Boston III $880,000.

9. Nicholas Manis $807,000.

10. Gregory Proctor Jr. $752,357.

Click here to read the rest of the article written by Ovetta Wiggins over at Washington Post

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